Embedded Security Lab, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
The Embedded Security Lab (EMSEC) is one of the distinguished labs in the School of Cybersecurity at Korea University. Established in 2009, EMSEC emerged as an independent entity after branching off from the Cryptographic Protocol Lab. Despite the separation, EMSEC and the Cryptographic Protocol Lab maintain close ties and collaboration. Our research at EMSEC is rooted in the theoretical foundations of information security, yet we are dedicated to translating these theories into practical applications for real-world scenarios. Our areas of focus include wireless communication, embedded systems, and automotive security.
In 2023, Prof. Choi joined School of Cybersecurity and he is now supervising EMSEC together with Prof. Lee. Also, EMSEC collaborates with a number of joint professors to advanced our research. With a talented team of researchers, including dedicated students, we are committed to pursuing innovative and engaging research projects. Our findings have been disseminated through numerous academic papers published in prestigious journals and presented at major international conferences such as ACM CCS, NDSS, and Usenix Security.
If you share our passion for these research topics, we invite you to reach out and explore potential collaboration opportunities with us. Feel free to contact us for further information.
Prof. Wonsuk Choi
e-mail: beb0396@korea.ac.kr
In 2023, I joined Korea University as an assistant professor. Before joining Korea University, I worked in Hansung University for 3 years. Also, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Korea University (I returned to Korea University). Currently, I am serving as a co-supervisor for EMSEC alongside Prof. Dong Hoon Lee who is my supervisor. My research interests include automotive security, wireless security, CPS / IoT, usable authentication, and cryptographic protocol. Moreover, I am going to expand my research interests to any security-related things. I am strongly looking for students who want to learn about cyber security beyond textbooks. Our research team focuses on developing practical solutions for any security problems. If you are willing to put your effort and time into our research topics, please feel free to email me.
2013-2018, PhD in Information Security, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2008-2013, MS in Information Security, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2004 - 2008, BA in Mathematics, University of Seoul, Korea
Work Experience
2023-Present, Assistant professor, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2020-2023, Assistant professor, Hansung University
2018-2020, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Cyber Security & Privacy, Korea University
Prof. Dong Hoon Lee
In 2001, the School of Cybersecurity at Korea University was established, marking the inception of the first research institute for information security in the Republic of Korea. At that time, Prof. Lee was among the esteemed faculty members contributing to the pioneering efforts of the institution. After more than 20 years, he continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the field of cybersecurity through his dedication and expertise. His significant contributions and groundbreaking work have left an indelible mark on the landscape of cybersecurity, solidifying his reputation as a leader in the field. Here are some highlights of his achievements:
1993.3 ~ Present: Professor, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2015.3 ~ 2017.2: Dean at School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
금융감독원 인증방법평가위원회 초대 위원장
2014.7 ~ 2015.6: 삼성SW연구센터 자문교수
2008.9 ~ 2017.12: 금융감독원 금융분쟁조정위원회 전문위원
2017.1 ~ 2017.12: 한국정보보호학회 회장
한국암호포럼 초대 운영위원장